The Advantages Of Good Quality Teak Over Cheap Quality Teak Furniture

By Creztor Tessel

Good quality Teak furniture is important when you go shopping for your next piece of garden furniture. In a perfect world you would expect that your newly bought furniture should be good for many years to come. However, for many new furniture buyers this often is not the case. For these unlucky shoppers, it is only a matter of weeks before they discover that their furniture is warped, cracked and in some cases rotted. How did this happen? If you ever see Teak furniture that is twisted or warped, then there is a very good chance that it is because the Teak used in building it was of poor quality. You might think that buying cheap Teak furniture is OK, but poor quality furniture quickly turns out to be a big waste of money. If you want to enjoy your furniture for some time, then it is recommended that you only purchase good quality Teak furniture. You get what you pay for and this also holds true when it comes to buying furniture. Here are some tips to make sure that you reduce the chance of buying low grade furniture and know what to look for and spot good quality Teak in garden furniture.

There are three kinds of Teak. Grade A, B and C. These grades of Teak come from different parts of the tree and they possess different degrees of quality. Grade A Teak is the absolute best and if budget isn’t an issue this is the kind of Teak you should be looking for in any furniture you purchase. It is usually a ‘warm honey’ color, very dense and possesses large amounts of protective oils. Grade A Teak is mature heartwood and as such is the reason it offers the best quality. The downside is that this kind of Teak is very expensive. Grade B Teak is heartwood but comes from outer area. It still possesses many of the good qualities of Grade A Teak, however, you can expect to find occasional knots in this quality of Teak and is of a slightly lighter color. Grade C Teak comprises of sapwood. This is the worst kind and it is strongly recommended that you avoid buying any furniture that uses this kind of Teak. Grade C is very soft and can be damaged easily. It is also common to find large knots in this wood. Due to its low quality, grade C Teak is very cheap and is in most cases just thrown away instead of being put to use.


Buying good quality Teak furniture, however, goes beyond just the grade of the Teak used in its construction. Another area that many shoppers are completely unaware of is moisture content. Moisture content plays a big role in how good or bad the piece of furniture is that you end up purchasing. This is important because furniture with high levels of moisture content will not stand the test of time. If your furniture has not been dried properly and still contains excessive amounts of moisture, it is more likely to warp and split over time. Not drying Teak correctly is just one way manufacturers save money when building Teak furniture and it is something many shoppers are completely unaware of. It goes without saying that you should only purchase furniture that has been dried properly.

The next time you go shopping, be sure to keep the above tips in mind. We recommend that you only purchase furniture that consists of grade A teak and has been correctly dried. Buying high quality Teak furniture means it is more likely to stand the test of time and won’t warp or split. It might be tempting to save a few dollars and pick up something you see cheap, however, it will only be a matter of time before the furniture begins to warp, bend and eventually become completely unusable.

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