Radiology Category

Sunday, November 28th, 2021

Benefits Of Visiting A Dentist In Northern Virginia

Today many Americans have excellent oral health and are keeping their natural teeth throughout their lives. But everyone does not have healthy teeth. Cavities are still the prevalent chronic disease of childhood. Most of the people believe that they need to visit a dentist only if they think something is wrong or suffer in pain, but actually, they are missing the bigger picture. A visit to a dentist in Northern Virginia means diagnosing and treating conditions that can range from routine to complex.Team WorkThe team approach to dentistry helps in promoting continuity of care that is convenient, comprehensive, efficient, and cost-effective. Members of the team include dental hygienists, lab technicians, and dental assistants. The team is led by a dentist who specializes in oral health and has a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree or Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD).Role of the DentistDentists are doctors who have expertise in oral health. Their responsibilities include• Monitor development and growth of the jaws and teeth• Interpret diagnostic tests and x-rays• Perform surgical procedures on bone, teeth and soft tissues of the oral cavity• Ensure safe administration of anesthetics• Create treatment plans to restore or maintain the oral health of their patients• Promote disease prevention and oral health• Diagnose oral diseasesDentists’ oversight of his team is crucial to ensure effective and safe oral care. Even routine procedures like administering anesthetics, preparing and placing fillings, or extracting tooth carries risks of complications like prolonged bleeding, temporary or permanent nerve damage, infection, pain and hematomas.More than Gums and TeethThe areas of care for a dentist in Northern Virginia include not only their patients’ gums and teeth but also include salivary glands, the tongue, the nervous system of the neck and head, muscles of the jaw, neck, and head and many other areas. At the time of comprehensive test, dentists examine the gums and teeth and also look for discolorations, swellings, lumps as well as ulcerations. If a major problem occurs, they conduct procedures like screening tests for oral cancer, biopsies, salivary gland function, and diagnostic tests for infectious or chronic diseases. Moreover, the dentists can detect early warning signs in your mouth that may indicate disease in other parts of the body. Their training enables them to recognize situations that warrant referring patients for care by dental physicians or specialists.Why Oral Health Should MatterRecent scientific studies point out associations between various general health conditions and oral health, including heart disease and diabetes. The World Health Organization has integrated oral health into its efforts for preventing chronic disease “as the risks to health are interconnected. “ The American Dental Association states that a visit to the dentist must start after a child’s first birthday for establishing a dental home. Dentists in Northern Virginia provide guidance to parents and children, diagnose and treat dental problems in its earliest stages and deliver preventive oral health services. The ongoing dental checkup will aid both adults and children maintain optimum oral health throughout their lives.

Friday, November 12th, 2021

Multiple Applications Of Enzymes In Disease Diagnosis

Enzymes are biocatalysts produced by living cells in organisms, most of which are usually globular proteins. These enzymes can effectively catalyze various biochemical reactions and promote the metabolism of organisms under normal human conditions. Life activities such as digestion, absorption, breathing, exercise, and reproduction are all enzymatic reactions. Therefore, enzymes are the basis for cell survival.

There are many kinds of enzymes in the human body, and more than 3,000 enzymes have been discovered, such as pepsin, trypsin and other hydrolytic enzymes. The protein that the human body takes in from food must be hydrolyzed into amino acids under the action of pepsin. Under the action of other enzymes, more than 20 kinds of amino acids can be selected and then reorganized into various other proteins required by the human body. Many complex reactions occurred during the whole process. It can be said that without enzymes, biological metabolism will not continue, and the entire colorful biological community in nature will disappear. Now we know the importance of enzymes in organisms, which is why enzymes can be used for clinical diagnosis.

Blood Lipids Tests

Blood lipids refer to a group of fatty substances present in the blood, mainly including cholesterol and triglycerides. Cholesterol circulating in the blood usually comes in two forms: low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). As LDL accumulates in the container, it may cause LDL to be “bad” and may cause blockage. High-density lipoproteins are called “good” because they help reduce bad cholesterol in the blood. Triglycerides come from food and are mainly used as energy sources. Abnormal blood lipid levels are usually associated with many diseases, such as hypertension, coronary arteries, hypothyroidism, type 2 diabetes, obesity, pancreatitis, etc. Enzymes involved in lipid metabolism have been extensively studied. Creative Enzymes provides a variety of enzymes for blood lipid test from different sources to help you in your research.

Liver Function Test

Liver function tests are essential for the early diagnosis of liver disease and the treatment of patients with liver dysfunction. A variety of enzymatic reactions have been developed to detect the presence of abnormal substances associated with different types of liver diseases or liver damage. Creative Enzymes has been supporting the clinical and research uses of liver function assessment through its diagnostic enzyme products.

Kidney Function Test

The main function of the kidneys is to remove waste and excess fluid from the blood by producing urine. The pancreas is responsible for the production of digestive enzymes and insulin. Early kidney and pancreas dysfunction did not show obvious symptoms, which may lead to severe dysfunction. Therefore, the early diagnosis of kidney and pancreas has attracted widespread attention. Since the chemicals, enzymes and other compounds secreted from the kidneys and pancreas are generally stable in quality and quantity, the abnormal presence of specific entities in the fluid or elevated levels of certain enzymes indicates an abnormal state of the kidneys or pancreas. For example, inflammation of the kidneys leads to increased levels of amylase in the blood, which can be determined by maltase and glucoamylase. Urease is a key enzyme used to detect renal failure by measuring urea content. Creative Enzymeshas been serving kidney & pancreas function diagnostic enzymes for years in the global market. More about kidney function test can be reached at Creative Enzymes’s website.

It is obvious from the above that enzymes play an irreplaceable important role in the field of clinical diagnosis and treatment. As a part of bioengineering, the important functions and research results of enzymes have been recognized worldwide. Making full use of the catalytic function, expanding the scope of application, and improving the application efficiency of enzymes have become our main goals. Creative Enzymes, as an enzyme manufacturer, are endeavoring to do so.